
Tuesday 24 January 2012

The big Taboo

If I'm honest I am struggling. I am struggling with motivation and resolve and I am struggling with sticking to things, so I am back on here to use it as a place to record and keep myself accountable.

A little history I used to have chronic fatigue, I had it for a very long time and I was very sick. Now... well now I am fine, I no longer consider myself to be a sufferer but I do consider myself to wear the scars of this illness everyday. Let me explain... I hold down a fulfilling full time job ( my job although flexible is stressful, I have a lot of responsibility and most of all I LOVE IT) but I sleep 9-10 hours a night and i still feel tired a lot of the time. I cannot digest most food... over the last few years I have repeatedly gotten stomach infections to the point of almost hospitalisation.I have now not been affected in over a year but have just been skating through and using powder etc to ensure regularity. I was helped by a nutritionist who diagnosed with FODMAPS intolerance but it is such a catch 22... I have the energy to exercise and eat well but if i slip up I get ill and infected and I don't absorb anything and then am exhausted and it is hard to get back on the wagon. I rarely drink, I cannot tolerate it and it messes up my system. I no longer hurt all the time I am just a little tired all the time. As soon as I clean up I notice vast improvements. I now want to heal myself.

I want to lose weight, I tried body trim ( hence the name of the blog) It worked... BUT with the extra restrictions placed by FODMAPS I had to miss more food, I caved and got infected. Last year i spent 5  months exercising regularly with a personal trainer, I worked hard, I toned but only lost about 5kg and I have plenty to spare. On a trip home with my mum we had a chat and she observed it is strange.. strange i am this size given what I eat etc and it is. one problem, i feel, is that i set my sights to high and then fall off the wagon. Another is totally associated with this Adrenal Fatigue. I was diagnosed with this a while ago by a fantastic naturopath and started taking tablets to help. They did. I was still working away and they cant fix you by themselves. It was too many changes to make at once. I moved and stopped seeing her.

Fast forward 2 years and many of the suggested changes I have done, I have done gradually by myself and I am happy for that.. I am on the right track. I have found another naturopath who also works for metagenics ( i really like their products) and tonight I am off to see her. I am ready to mend. I will check in here soon.

Further to the discussion with my mum I am cutting myself a blog. I am trying to move for at least 1 hour a day, but it will be low impact exercise ( yoga, pilates, bodybalance, walking or swimming). I have determined what seems to work for my body (don't hold me to this as I may need to tweak it as I learn more). I am not trying to run the marathon I put too much pressure on myself.

Each morning body brushing seems to help
lemon and vital greens with water ( gross but seems to help)
porridge with water and an egg ( today I try with maca and also coconut oil)
low carb, real protein ( fish, meat and eggs) meals.
NO FRUIT ( I hate this but it seems to work)
No caffeine
I have been drinking Kombucha ( i am unsure if this helps or makes it worse... it helps my energy levels, my tummy is a bit dodgy)

some whole grain carbs with brekkie and then none later in the day seems to work so i am sticking with this for now.

I lack motivation when I am not feeling great.. I am using this as my motivator. I will post daily and weekly. Weekly posts with my goals for the week ( diet based, personal projects etc as well) I will post daily with what I ate and did ( probably as a list) and then I can post longer ones about things which are important and with recipes.... welcome to my personal to do list and recipe book.

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