
Monday 9 January 2012

I'm back

Back from a fantastic trip home which I loved. No major binging episodes which is nice, but lots of carbs and treats so I need to start up again. The last two days I have just been surviving as the jet lag has been so bad... Now I am ready to start.

Goals this year
1. lose 25kgs
2. Run either a full or half marathon
3. Either start a Msc ( part time) or change work to further myself.

Firstly I am making a food and training plan. I think that maybe with all the hard training I was doing prior to xmas I built a lot of muscle and my body was a little stressed. This year I am planning jogging 3-4 times per week ( 5km at a time to start), 30 mins boot camp twice a week and 2 body balance sessions a week. I would also like to walk as well but more as a nice thing to do than exercise.

Food wise, I know that bodytrim works. I know that some aspects don't work for me. I am tweaking it to make it fodmap friendly and whole food orientated.

I will do the 3 day Protein only detox as recommended ( Friday to Sunday this week)

After which my rules are....

1. Hot lemon to start the day and body brush
2. breakfast- either poached eggs on sprouted spelt bread or a green protein smoothie
3. snack- handful of nuts or chicken etc with veggie sticks ( not processed meat such as ham after I have used up my supplies)
3. lunch- veggies ( 2-3 serves) plus lean protein
4. snack- if needed as before
5. dinner- veggies ( 2-3 serves) plus lean protein.

I really don't want to have to eat snacks if I am not hungry though. I am also planning on giving up the sweetener ( aside from stevia) once and for all, getting creative with my cooking and kicking the worst fodmaps to the curb. For me the worst are definitely lactose, gluten/wheat ( sprouted spelt is fine!), garlic, legumes, fructose, sweetener... so I shall be controlling this. At present I seem to be fine with most veggies even cruciferous ones such as cauliflower.

I plan to make a high protein veggie soup as well to kick start things along which I can have for dinner. I also want to incorporate lots of veggies, whole foods and raw food where possible. I plan to dust of the dehydrator and have a bash with that too!

Budget... all of this needs to be done on a reasonable budget and as part of this I am aiming to provide all meals from scratch from home...

Big asks I know but this is the year of saving and with the extra time from less eating out etc we can hopefully finally finish off the house we live in.

In the weight loss phase of bodytrim you get a free day and I will be filling this with healthy grains, higher fat whole foods and raw vegan treats and possibly a bit of alcohol! Instead of using this day as a binge which makes me ill I plan to use it for intensive nourishing with foods which I am avoiding regularly for weight loss.

Wish me luck.. I shall photograph the foods I eat, post the recipes and workouts and keep you updated and myself accountable on the progress...

As an aside the marathon is in end of August/ Start of September. I would love to have shed most of the kg's by then as well so after that I can focus on my other resolution... further learning!

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